Your best friend in Texas real estate

Are you looking to find your dream home, sell your existing home, or finding the perfect rental? Jessica Dear Properties is the expert in the Spring, Woodlands, and greater Houston region. We treat you like family and we fight to get you the best deal. We can help you with properties all over Texas.


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Common Questions

How much does it cost to use your services?

If you are a buyer or looking to rent, you don't pay for our service. If you are selling, there's a standard 6% fee of the selling price. If you're a landlord, one month's rent is standard.

Is now a good time to buy or sell?

It's always a good and bad time to buy or sell. Timing depends on your goals and needs. If you are holding out hoping for better prices, that can often be counterproductive. For example, if you are waiting for higher prices to sell your house, that can mean that the new house you want to buy might also have a higher price. If you are trying to gain income from selling your home, it's also possible that renting it out could be an option until the market supports your desired price. We can't predict the future! However, what we can do is get you the best possible deal that meets your goals.

How long does it take to sell my property?

It depends. However, The Woodlands, Spring and northern Houston area is extremely popular. Sometimes houses can sell in as little as a few days or as long as several months. When you contact us, we can provide you with an estimate based on our deep experience in this region.

How much should I list my property for?

The best listing price depends on several factors. We conduct a detailed analysis of recent deals in the area, the current state of the market, and the unique aspects of your house that can affect your valuation. We're going to work with you to ensure you're getting the best possible price for your home.

Do you work with commercial properties?

Yes. Contact us and we would love to learn more about your project.

Do you work with multifamily properties?

Yes. We can help you buy or sell any kind of real estate.

How do I know if I'm making a good offer?

We do a detailed analysis of the neighborhood and the overall market and we can let you know what offers are likely to be successful. Our deep experience in this area ensures that we're going to help you get the best deal.

What about high interest rates?

Interest rates are hard to predict over the longer term. While higher interest rates make mortgages more expensive, it's important to remember that interest rates could continue to rise. Timing a home purchase around what interest rates might do is not often the best strategy because they could continue to rise and might stay at elevated rates for many years. If you do buy a home and interest rates drop, you can consider refinancing to take advantage of lower rates. Contact us and we can help you decide on a solid plan based on your situation, goals and needs.